Instagram for Growing Your Small Business

Social media is a great marketing tool and can be super helpful for businesses! One we love to use is Instagram because it is a great way to be more authentic with your audience. If you are thinking about creating an account, we got you. Here are 5 ways to grow your business using Instagram. 

If you currently use Instagram for your business, then you know how much fun it can be! Social media, in this case Instagram, is a great way to show your followers what you’re up to, what exciting new things you’re offering, or just to share some inspiration or motivation. Plus, it’s just images and videos, and while comments are allowed, there’s less opinions and debating than other social media sites. And sometimes that’s pretty refreshing.

Post on Instagram Everyday.

Yes, we know that may seem daunting, but no matter what social media network you use, consistency is important and Instagram is no different. Make sure you’re posting images regularly and have a good online presence. When people find your page, they’ll love that it’s populated with recent content which shows followers you’re relevant.

Speak in Your Brand Voice.

Continue to use your brand voice, even on social media. (Don’t know what your brand voice is? Learn more about it right here. Or, if you are ready to get started, fill out our voice audit.) Maybe your voice sounds a bit more professional on your website, but when people do business with you, find you’re actually really funny or very personable. If you want that to be your brand voice, use it on Instagram! Social media is a way to get a little more personal and encourage your followers to get to know you and your business, so you can have some fun and be more relaxed. We know not everyone’s brand voice is witty or light hearted, so whatever voice you normally do, carry it over to Instagram!

Interact With Followers.

Let your followers know there’s someone behind the phone when they comment or tag you in posts. It will make them feel like you’re listening and care if you interact with them on Instagram. And isn’t customer service one of the most important things in business? Communicating on social media is a great way to make sure they’re happy and taken care of!

Use Instagram Stories.

Videos are the best performing and most interacted with on social media! Instagram has some great features like Instagram Stories and IGTV allowing easy opportunities to post videos. There are also fun features in stories, like polls, questions, filters and way more so you can get pretty creative while learning more about your followers and what they’re interested in!

Use Hashtags + Mentions.

Instagram users can follow hashtags so if you have one that’s relevant or many people are using, be sure to include it in your caption! That way, if people don’t even know who you are, there’s still a chance they could find you just by searching for a certain topic. You can also mention other businesses and tag them in your posts. Users can see what others are tagged in, so again, you could be found even if someone doesn’t know who you are!

Like any social media platforms, we’re sure Instagram will continue to change and update, but we will always keep you in the loop. For now, these strategies will help to grow your business using Instagram.

And while you’re here, share the love and follow us on Instagram. Thank you for reading!

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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.