3 Easy Ways to Make Sure Your Marketing Isn’t “Scary”

What’s your biggest Halloween fear? Do ghosts, goblins, witches or zombies make you shudder? Maybe spiders, werewolves, or vampires?

As marketers, there are a lot of other things that scare us. Luckily, they can all be fixed! Be prepared. This list could get pretty frightening. 😉

Not using social
Yikes! Today, everyone should be using social media. It’s so important in fact, we have a blog dedicated to just that! If your business isn’t using at least the big social sites like Facebook and Instagram, you’re missing out! It’s such an easy way to reach out to potential and current clients. You can reveal new products, post discounts, introduce your team and so much more! Plus, the ROI is much better than if you would use something else like print advertising. Not only is it free or very cheap, you can see how an ad or post is performing immediately! If followers aren’t responding, you can quickly edit a post and try again! You’re able to get good results without spending all the money. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a Facebook account. If you need some help getting started, let us know!

Busy logos
We know your logo is everywhere and it can be a pain to redo. But if your current logo has a lot of color and text and looks outdated, it might be time for a fresh, new look! You might not even have to start completely over! Something as simple as eliminating one color might do the trick. Your logo is one of the first things people will notice when they see your business. Don’t you want it to reflect you and your company positively? If it’s outdated, it might tell people you aren’t relevant and don’t evolve. You don’t want your logo to be the reason customers aren’t using your great product or service. A new, modern logo will help draw people in, not scare them away!

Websites that are hard to navigate
When we visit a website that’s cluttered and hard to navigate, we definitely want to scream and run the other way! Your website is one of the first things potential customers will look at when they’re considering doing business with you. It should be easy to use and understand, the content should be up to date and accurate, and it should look good on any device. Just like social media and logos, websites are a simple way to make a good impression.

If any of your marketing scares you, let us know! We can help you be active on social, recreate your logo, or help you have a modern, easy to use website.

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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.