Your Website Homepage Should Do These 3 Things

You know websites are important. They should be user friendly and easy to navigate. You want one that’s attractive and up to date. And this goes for the entire site! But when users visit your site, the homepage will make the first impression. It will be how they decide to look farther or hit the back button. Make sure your homepage is making a good impression and encouraging visitors to stay!

Say who you are and what you do
Visitors shouldn’t have to do much digging to find out exactly who you are and what you can do for them. Make it very clear right on the first page. That way, they know immediately whether you can help them out or if they need to keep looking. This doesn’t mean you should have a giant list of services on your page, but sum it up in a simple way.

Information is easy to take in
If users haven’t been to your site before, chances are they’re looking for something you can offer them. You don’t want them to be overwhelmed before they even start learning more about you. A website homepage shouldn’t be packed with information and hard to follow. Make sure your information and layout is easy to look at, ingest, and understand. You can go into more detail on service pages and explain more of what you do. It should be a pleasant experience for a visitor and not one that makes them feel like they can’t keep up with everything going on.

Users know what to do next
Once a visitor finds your page and checks it out, they should know exactly what to do next and how to do it! Is there a service you offer they want to learn more about? There should be a clear way for them to find out more about the service. Should they contact you to set up an appointment? Have a contact button or tab that is easy to find. Users shouldn’t feel frustrated when they’re on your site, but like they know what they’re doing.

So, how’s your homepage? Does it make it easy for a user or could there be some work done? If you do need some help, let us know! We love making websites a good experience for visitors!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.