The Benefits of Self-Care

Our lives are hectic. Maybe you have a family and kids that are in all the sports and clubs they could possibly join. Or maybe you aren’t going to your kids’ events, but at the end of the day you still find yourself wondering where the day went! It seems we always have to be somewhere, can always reply to an email, and are being asked to do the next thing before we accomplish the first one! And while your hectic life might not change anytime soon, there is one thing you can do to help you feel relaxed and like you’re on top of everything – self-care.

Okay, so it might not make you feel like you’ve automatically accomplished everything. You do have to take time out of your day to work on self-care, after all. But it will make you feel good! There are so many benefits to self-care and although it might be hard to start, you won’t regret it!

When you do something for yourself each day (or even each week,) you’re giving yourself a break. A break from stress, emails, your to-do list, and whatever is on your mind. Even if it’s 15 minutes a day, you can become relaxed and refreshed in that short time and ready to tackle what’s waiting for you! The best part is you can choose what you do for yourself! Yeah, exercise is a great option and probably immediately comes to mind when you think about self-care, but it’s called self-care for a reason. Do something that will make you happy and get you ready to take on your day!

Not only can self-care help you personally, it can help you at your job too! When you take some time for yourself, you can clear your head and come back to your desk focused. One thing we really love about self-care is you can do it anywhere! Sure you might have your favorite chair at home where you like to read a book, but if you’re at work and there’s no comfy chair around, go for a quick walk, grab some coffee, or chat with a coworker for a little break. We’re not saying to leave your desk for hours at a time, but short breaks to focus on yourself won’t hurt!

If you feel stressed and overwhelmed with everything going on in your life right now, a little self-care might be just what you need! Find something you really love to do and that relaxes you and do it often! Recharging is important and you’ll be the best version of yourself when you feel good!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.