Start the New Year Off Right

How do you approach a new year? Do you sit down and make a list of your resolutions? Or do you treat January 1 as just another day and continue to do what you’ve been doing all year? Either way, a new year is like a blank page and a great time to start fresh! Here are a few things you can do to make sure you start 2019 off right!

Review last year
For us, one of the best parts of a new year is to look back at what happened in the last year. Most of them are fun like remembering a great vacation or welcoming a new family member, but some of them are even more personal like what we accomplished, what went well during the year and what didn’t, or what we wish would’ve happened. It’s a great way to review and appreciate everything that happened to you during the year, but also a chance for you to start over and do better if necessary. A few things you can ask yourself: What accomplishments did I have? How did I improve my life? What did I remove from my life that is now making me happier? Of course, these questions can be about anything like relationships, your job, even finances. A new year is the perfect time to remember what went well and make a plan to improve on what didn’t go so well.

Finish what you started
Do you have anything you started in 2018 you weren’t able to finish with the holidays or just because life got in the way? Take a couple hours or a day and check those items off your to-do list. If we don’t, they’ll always be in the back of our minds and can start to weigh on us. Give yourself a fresh start and get everything done you wanted to! Then, you can focus only on what’s ahead.

Put yourself first
Okay, we know this is easier said than done. We have jobs, families, to-do lists that are way too long, and sometimes it’s just too hard to say no! But in the new year, put yourself first once in a while. Focus on what you really want and what’s best for you. Sure, some things might come up that you have to say yes to, but try to make time for you even if it’s just for a few minutes or once a week. Self-care is important and helps us in all areas of our lives so when you’re happy, everybody’s happy! Well, maybe not quite everyone, but still – focus on yourself!

We hope your 2019 is off to a great start but if you’re already struggling, try to do these things! Now is a great time to start over, take note of what worked and what didn’t, and make changes so 2019 will be your best year yet!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.