Self-Care is Good For You AND Your Business

Let me start by saying I’m no expert when it comes to health or self-care. I know it’s important, I know it’s good for me, and I know I feel better when I take time to focus on myself and my health. But we all know that right?

The problem is we’re so busy. With work, taking care of a home, spending time with family and friends, and about a million other items on our to do lists. It doesn’t leave much time for self-care. But, after time we become tired and burnt out. We don’t have the energy to do all of the tasks we need to do and we might not do our jobs as well as we should. I’ve done some research and the good news is you don’t always need to dedicate a huge chunk of your day or week to self-care. There are several, simple things you can incorporate into your daily lives that will make you feel better!

First, eat well and exercise. Those are obvious and probably what we first try to change. And it’s a good thing to do! When we eat healthy and cut out all of the junk, we almost immediately feel better! Sure, it might take a little bit longer to plan meals and think about what we’re eating, but it’s a simple change that can make a big difference.

Exercise – it seems we either love it or hate it. Personally, I always hated it. To me, exercise meant going for a 5 mile run and no way was I going to do that! Luckily, exercise can be a lot of different activities. Pilates, yoga, walking, or playing a sport you love are just a few options! It took me some time to find something I enjoy doing, but now I look forward to my workouts! Something to keep in mind is your workout doesn’t have to be long to be effective. Even just a quick walk is better than doing nothing.

While eating well and working out are great ways to care for yourself, there are a few other less obvious things you can do too!

Meditating is one of them. If you can’t focus on that big project at work, step away and spend some time by yourself. No, you don’t have to sit cross legged on the floor and hum. But you can meditate and take care of yourself just by taking some time to sit in a quiet room. Be present and don’t worry about all you have going on. When you come back you should feel refreshed and ready to tackle your to do list! 

Unplugging in the evening before bed might seem crazy, but it could change the way you sleep! Getting a good night’s sleep is so important and when we’re on our phones right before bed, it makes our brain active. Try to unplug an hour before you plan to go to sleep and get some great rest!

You can also take care of yourself by getting rid of negativity in your life. Have a person that just seems to drag you down? Maybe it’s time to cut ties with them or at least see them less. Self-care also includes changing the way we think. Try thinking positively about yourself and what you’re doing. Instead of focusing on everything that could go wrong or did go wrong during your day, focus on what went well! If we continue to tell ourselves positive thoughts, our brain will start to believe it!

Self-care is so important and there are so many great and easy ways to do it! Find what works for you and see how much better you feel!



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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.