New Feature Coming to Instagram

It’s only the first month in the new year and Instagram has already added a new feature! But before you get too excited about having to learn another thing about the social media site, you should know that this addition will only make a difference for users who have more than one account.

And the new feature is (drumroll, please) the ability to “regram” yourself! If you have a few accounts, like one for your small business and a personal one, you can now publish a post to both of them at the same time.

While this might save some time if you are posting the exact same thing on all of your accounts, we’re wondering how often people actually do post the exact same thing. If we do have separate accounts, it’s for a reason. The vibe on each of your accounts might be different, so adding a post to a page you normally wouldn’t or using a certain voice might not go well with the rest of your feeds. Of course, if your accounts are similar, this might be a really helpful tool!

Now, we don’t know everything there is to know about this yet and it looks like it’s not available on every device yet. But maybe it’s be more helpful than we think. Maybe people will love it! We can’t wait to see what happens with this new feature and what else they’ll come up with!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.