Looking Back at Facebook’s 2018

Facebook has had a pretty rough year. Have you been keeping up or hearing about some of the issues they’re experiencing? It started by a change in a News Feed algorithm that caused the posts of friends and family members to show up over those of businesses. That, of course, caused some problems for business pages. Personal data was obtained and likely misused. And Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, hasn’t handled these situations as well as he should have. And that’s just a start.

But even after Facebook users find out about these issues, they still use the social media network. Wanna know why? We did too. HubSpot wrote an article explaining why people are still using Facebook. Check it out here.

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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.