Keep Calm During the Holiday Chaos

I love the holidays. I get excited when I see stores put out their holiday stuff, listen to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, and put up the tree as soon as I can. But somewhere between the traveling to see family and planning what to get for gifts, I get overwhelmed and a little burnt out. Sure, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most stressful!

Sound like you? Let’s plan to stay calm, refreshed, and healthy this year! Here are some simple things we can do that will make a big difference during the hustle of the holiday season!

Plan Ahead
If you know it’s going to get crazy for you during the holidays (it will), plan ahead now! Get some Christmas shopping done early, plan what you’ll make or take for meals, know exactly what events you need to go to and put them on your calendar so they don’t sneak up on you the week of. It might seem strange to start already, but think of the free time you’ll have during the season to enjoy looking at Christmas lights or take your time shopping for the perfect gift at the mall.

Eat Healthy
It seems like sweet treats are everywhere during the holidays. Maybe you make cookies or candy with your family. Or save extra room for pie after dinner. It’s fun to indulge during the season! It only comes around once a year, after all. But, all of those sweets can also make us sluggish and feel pretty bad. Enjoy, but in moderation.

Stick to Your Schedule
The holidays are hectic. That’s just how it is. But if you keep to your regular schedule as much as possible, it will help keep your day normal. And hopefully you’ll feel like you’re still being productive and not like you’re running around trying to get everything done. Speaking of running, exercise is a great thing to stick to during the holidays! If you exercise regularly, you know how good it makes you feel! After a busy day of Christmas planning, a good workout might be just what you need.

Take Time for Yourself
Tis the season for being around family and friends you don’t see often, Christmas parties, holiday events, and people everywhere at the mall. Sometimes you just need a break! And it’s ok. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, find a quiet spot and take some time for yourself. Even if it’s just sitting in a room alone for a few minutes, it’s nice to be able to reset so you can get ready for another round of conversation.

The holidays are such a fun time, but it can be frustrating when we aren’t able to enjoy them as much as we’d like because we’re busy and stressed. This year, we hope you’re able to relax and take in the time spent with loved ones. And don’t feel bad if you need to excuse yourself from the room or take an hour to go for a run. When you come back you’ll be more than ready to greet people or tackle that Christmas to do list!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.