Get Back on Track

Was anyone else completely thrown off during this holiday season? We had long weekends, holidays in the middle of the week, and Wednesdays that felt like Mondays! We just had the first full week of the year, so we’re slowly getting back into a routine. Slowly… If you need a little help getting back on track, here are a few things you can do!

Give yourself time
We all went through the busy holiday season, so many of us are feeling the same way! Don’t feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t realize it’s Friday. Give yourself some time to get back into the swing of things. Don’t be hard on yourself because that will only make the craziness worse and remember it will all get back to normal soon! Sure, we all hope it gets back to normal sooner rather than later, but it’ll happen!

Refresh your space
Whether you need to clean and refresh your home, desk, or office, it’s a great way to get everything straightened up and ready to go! If we have piles of things left over from the holidays, it can be hard to move forward and get back on track! Take a little bit of time and do some cleaning and organizing. Then, you’ll be ready to get back to work! (or back to a normal household.)

Take care of your inbox
Taking a few days off for Christmas and New Year’s seems great – until we get back to work and our inboxes are flooded with emails. The good news is many people celebrate as well, so hopefully you didn’t have too many to respond to. The bad news is that you probably still had some emails to respond to. But if you plan time to go through and flag what’s important and delete what isn’t, you can get it done with and move onto the next project! And now that we’re a week in, we hope you don’t feel as overwhelmed with your inbox!

Get back to a healthy routine
One of the best ways to get back into a routine is to continue with your workouts. During the holidays, we can sometimes put off exercising because there is so much going on. But when we start doing things we did before the holidays, we’ll start to feel better! Plus, did anyone else indulge during the season and ready to get back to feeling normal? Getting in your workout will give you energy and make you ready for the day or whatever you have to tackle.

The holiday season is such a fun time, but it can also really throw us off! We hope you enjoyed the holidays, and that you’re starting to get back into your routines and ready for a great year!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.