Being a Hypocrite

You know what really burns my britches? Well, in all seriousness there are several things, but one of my main ones is when people give advice or offer information that they are not really practicing. I remember back in my super early days of selling marketing services. I would cringe anytime I was in a meeting, essentially telling someone they needed a new website for their business. I’d sit there, my young 20-something self, hair and make-up on looking as professional as I could afford, telling someone much older, wiser and smarter he needed a new website for his business.

My challenge at the time didn’t even lie in my lack of confidence, as I quickly learned those situations forced me to grow. It was the fact that the company I worked for didn’t have a strong website. I felt like a hypocrite. In the back of my head I was hoping he wouldn’t look us up. (Duh, that’s what you do, so naturally, he had. I mean, that was one of my selling points. “Your website is the first thing your customers will see. They’ll make that first impression based on your site, how’s yours? And the classic, “People make buying decisions based on your site. Are your visitors buying, or leaving.”

Ok, let’s be totally honest, for those who know me, that is NOT how I sell anything. BUT, it was how I was coached to sell and again, being a 20-something marketer in a new market with a company who had a site that was not stacking up to what we were supposed to say, I took my own approach.

Same goes for one thing I share with my clients today. And that thing, oh that thing that gets my blood boiling and my heart racing…even my hands shaky is….GOING LIVE on Facebook!

I mean seriously, no joke, I want to crawl under my covers and never come out. Also, for those who know me know I love to talk. (I like to think of it as sharing stories.) But, nonetheless when I can see myself and who’s watching me speak at them, it’s a lot easier to lose your train of thought, see a comment and crumble or simply see no one is watching you, and you’re just talking to yourself…let me tell you, that doesn’t feel very cool.  

BUT, there is good news in making yourself do it. It’s called growth. (Yup, even I said it.) There is a lot of knowledge locked in my head, it’s time to start sharing. The best way to do that you ask? Tell stories. So, what you’ll see and hear in the new year is me telling stories. Ones I think you’ll want to hear. And if you don’t? Well, don’t read or listen to them. I also believe in choices. You have a choice to read or not to read. So there, we’re cool again.

I guess the moral of the story is, don’t be a hypocrite, let’s conquer these fears together and grow in our talents and strengths. Cause, let’s be honest, we were destined for a lot, let’s go grab it by the horns and let it know, we’re ready!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.