5 Ways to Get Motivated

Have you ever had so much to do, but no motivation? Or maybe it hasn’t even been a lot to do, but just one thing that absolutely needed to get done, but you just couldn’t get started? Uhh, who hasn’t right?

Well tomorrow is a new month, and with the holidays, it’s going to be a busy one. There will be plenty that will need to get done, but also plenty of distractions. When you know you need to finish a project at work, but can’t seem to get back into the groove after a Christmas party, here are a few things you could try!

Get positive
We procrastinate when we’re in a bad mood. Ever been in a bad mood and the whole day is downhill from there? Well, it doesn’t have to be. If you’re stressed and not happy with how your day is going, try to get positive! Think about something that makes you happy or proud and get started!

Get rewarded
It’s easier to accomplish a task when we know something great is waiting for us at the end right? If you just can’t seem to get started on a project, treat yourself to a coffee break. But only when the job is complete. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, but a little reward might be just the thing to get you motivated.

Have an accountability partner
Whether it’s a project at work, exercise, or something you have to get done for your Christmas dinner, you can ask an accountability partner to help you out. When we know someone else will be checking in with us, it can force us to do whatever it is they’ll ask about. You could even ask them to check in on you throughout the process so you’re on track to get it done on time.

Focus on why you’re doing it
Exercise is not always fun, but many of us don’t do it to have a good time. We do it to lose a couple pounds, get in shape, or feel good. If you don’t want to exercise because you’re comfortable on the couch watching Christmas movies, remember why you started working out in the first place. Or why you started doing anything, really. Can’t seem to tackle a big project at work? Remember your clients, business, and coworkers. Focus on the end goal and why you do it.

Play energizing music
Okay, so if all else fails, you can always play your favorite song. You know, the one you know all the words to and can’t help but dance when you hear it. Sure, you might look silly dancing in the office, but it’ll be worth it when you get the motivation to finish your day strong!

While it’s a great time to relax a little bit and enjoy the season, it can also be hard to focus on everything that needs to get done. See if any of these work for you and have a happy, productive December!


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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.