reinvention of self.


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Today I am flying solo and sharing my heart with you about my self reinvention. In 2021 I did a cleanse and made a vow to myself to get rid of things that weren’t serving me in my ability as a wife, mother or in my business, but the journey to reinvent myself has been one I’ve been on for quite some time. 

In this short episode I share some of the ups and downs throughout that process and offer some help to those of you who are looking at your beliefs and questioning them including my current belief I am breaking off – perfectionism or also put, fear of judgment. I have shared a bit about this before but I am going deeper in this solo episode. 

Re-Invention Definition: the action or process through which something is changed so much that it appears to be entirely new.

While I can appreciate this definition – I don’t believe I am entirely true. I don’t believe we can be entirely new. We can still reinvent ourselves but old parts of us will still be inside us. 

To me reinvention was to finally give myself permission to live in my full purpose. To let go of those old beliefs. To stop what wasn’t serving me and finally be the woman I knew was inside me – hiding behind it all. It was to stop caring so much about what others think of me and be more interested in what I think of me. 

I want to ask you a question – Have you ever been held hostage by fear of judgement? 

I have. 

Recently I have been taking a step back to really look at things – from a very raw and real angle and have been doing a re-evaluation of self. I know it sounds kinda corny but the old me was very hung up on what others thought and because of this I would find myself leaving no room for error, cue the perfectionism right here.

To become her meant challenging everything I had believed to be true for so long and start making decisions that led me to her. 

Because the truth is most of what we deem true or are our beliefs are determined for us by others. Childhood, spouses, friends, family, whoever in your life who has influence, has probably created a truth you are following. And yes, for a season or moment in life, that may have made sense. But I’m older now. Perhaps a little wiser and now some of those truths just don’t make sense. They don’t fit anymore. 

Even when I said I didn’t care, I kinda cared, or really cared. My actions – more of what I was NOT doing rather than doing. 

This new version of me is not going to care. But that also means I am gonna ruffle some feathers, which the old me never wanted to do. I am gonna put myself out there maybe people won’t like me. I am going to get vulnerable and share things from the deepest parts of me that might make people feel uncomfortable and yes, I will get judged, while also knowing I am helping someone. 

This is the new me. And she’s terrified, scared, and happy and more alive than ever!

I didn’t lose the old me. I just kinda upgraded her and I will keep upgrading myself because I am committed to my personal growth. I love the old me and honor her because she helped me become who I am today. She went through the lessons. She cried hard. She loved hard. 

3 Things I did to re-invent myself:

1] Got better habits in place including waking up earlier, removing activities in my day that sucked up my precious energy and built quiet time each day to clear my headspace and express gratitude. Added and removed habits – wash your face, get out of yoga pants, go for a daily 30 minute walk – make it a goal to get 10K steps for 7 days, journal, do yoga, call someone each day you haven’t talked to for a while – ANYTHING to get your spark back.

What do you want your day to look like – stop being held hostage to my phone – email and more, I put boundaries around my time.

2]Continued therapy after starting in November 2019 through a pandemic and to this day, seeking mental health each month. – Torch Carrier – learned to set it down and ask for help – still working on this one.

3] Connected with other women online for podcasts, blog features, conference speakers and more to grow my network. – social connection + guests on show
It was time for me to start creating the most vibrant alive vision of myself. I wanted to be this woman I kept imaging for myself. Have you ever thought of your most highest self? What does she do? What does she look like? Who does she hang out with?

That are you doing today to get closer to her? Do you feel she is even attainable?

I was ready to stop going against who I wanted to be and start moving towards her.

Mine was a runner – a woman who took care of her body. She was sober. She didn’t drink. She had a great career where she was in service to help other women. She was vibrant – she would light up any room she walked into. She cared hard, loved hard, cried hard with friends, family and with her God.

Today I am learning to speak and live my truth and made a promise to myself. I finally have given myself permission to feel something deep on the inside and share it on the outside. I no longer mask feelings or push them deep down, rather my heart is on my sleeve. All the time.

It’s ok to give yourself permission to grow – recommend you write this one down and hang it where you are reminded daily – repeat it to yourself. “I honor who you’re becoming and I really like this version of you.” I’m proud of you. And with my hands in the air – I’m cheering for you.

Becca’s book recommendations:
1] Find Your People by Jennie Allen
2] Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
3] Atomic Habits by James Clear

You can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. Join in on the conversation in the ladybee podcast Facebook group.

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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.