5 ways to live in your truth.


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Living as your most truth authentic self may be one of the most challenging things we ever do in this life. At a young age we begin to be programmed to be a good girl, don’t rock the boat, behave, and so many more. We start to live in a box that we were not intended to live in and live in an unwelcomed fear of what would happen if we let our inner self, our real self out of her cage because she’s loud, messy, passionate or says what’s on her mind.

In this episode I am with my friend Jen Buck owner of The HERstory Collaborative. After going through a divorce, Jen sought out on a journey to find HERself again and dive into what she loved and build her life around those things. As a speaker and coach she had helped so many people, it was time to help herself. No mask. No fakeness. No lies. Just your bare, naked truest self.

In this episode, we discuss…

  1. [4:38] Jen’s definition of authenticity and why it’s important.
  2. [7:00] how she lived as 2 people and decided it was time to do a full rebrand of self.
  3. [8:40] when she let go of constant anxiety and worry of what clients would think and unleashed her true self.
  4. [13:00] #1: how she learned to trust her intuition/gut.
  5. [19:37]#2: how she instilled a warrior mindset and learned to love herself more.
  6. [28:10] #3: how she learned to unlock all there is in her, to the deepest, ugliest part of herself and step into her deep bravery.
  7. [37:33] #4: how she embodied, “Protect your income so I can impact positively my outcome”.
  8. [40:30] #5: Living from a place of ABSOLUTELY!
  9. [42:44] how to seek opportunities you want.

Jen’s top 3 book recommendations:
1] The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
2] They Were Her Property by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers 
3] Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard

You can connect with Jen Buck online at handle @jenbuckspeaks or at jenbuckspeaks.com.

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Becca Feauto

Becca wants to live in a world where emails are short, love letters still exist and every “thank you” note is scribbled by hand.